Move for the Joy of It<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5175

Move for the Joy of It
Amy Havens
Class 5175

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Wonderful ! Exactly what my body needed. Great flow.
Gisela G
Lovely class!
Lina S
Nice playful variations! Thank you!
Love this! Thank you Amy, greetings from the UK
Samantha T
Great energy and lovely to move with you! Thank you Amy.
Amy P
Great class Amy, very fun!
David L
What an outstanding full-body workout in such a short amount of time. Everything feels more open now. Thank you
Taryn D
So good - no barriers to just getting into the body = no excuses not to move. Short and sweet. Thank you, Amy!
Sweet , Amy. Thanks 😊
Nikki F
1 person likes this.
Thank you Amy. You are the only teacher I watch, I love your classes.
21-30 of 49

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