Find Your Balance<br>Allie Greene<br>Class 5192

Find Your Balance
Allie Greene
Class 5192

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Cynthia G
1 person likes this.
Thank you once again.  This class is full of information and reassurances that take the stress out of my ability to balance.  Love the way you cast the net wider.  The feeling of, oh yes I can do that, I can be balanced.  Loved the 3 toes up the front line and the 2 outer toes connecting to the back line, the tactile effect and focus is so helpful.  Small thing make a difference.  Reminds me of Ruthy Alon's lessons, the Roman Sandal.  Thanks again.  Thanks PA.
Cynthia G thank you for your wonderfully descriptive  comments. I’m so happy to be moving with you.  Happy New Year!
Andrea F
Really happy to have found this work in P.A.. Not only for beginners, I should say, but for all levels. Excellent class, and program, very inspiring and thought provoking teacher! Made me look at simple gestures and movements, we so often take for granted, from a different perspective and find more depth, meaning and support in them.  As da Vinci put it, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication". Thank you, Allie. Really brilliant! More of this, please!
Sue S
Allie Greene thank you, I enjoyed this class. I discovered it by chance and will look for the others in the series now.
Sue S Thank you! Let me know what you think of the rest of series!

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