Power Lower Body Reformer<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5405

Power Lower Body Reformer
Tracey Mallett
Class 5405

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AMAZING workout!!Thank you so much Tracey!!!
Shannon H
2 people like this.
You never disappoint what a great workout thank you Tracey!
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Goncagül Ö
1 person likes this.
Thank you.PERFECT workout...
Silviah thanks one of my faves!! 
Goncagül Ö yay this is one of my faves too!! 
Shannon H awe bless thanks for the kind words 🫶
1 person likes this.
This was amazing! Definitely a new favorite. Love all the standing.
Tara S
with the quadruped variation (knee on bow and knee slightly lifted off of carriage with foot o shoulder rest - how do you keep hips level - i am under 5 ' - in order to have my reformer knee off so i can move i have to be on the ball of the foot that is on the box so both knees are lifted. what am i missing? 
Loved it Tracey! Always an awesome work out!
1-10 of 35

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