Using Konnections Band<br>Viktor Uygan<br>Tutorial 5422

Using Konnections Band
Viktor Uygan
Tutorial 5422

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Love it.  I would love more information about purchasing theses Props. Thank you in advance.

Janie J
I like the work with these bands.  Gives so much feedback in the matwork. Thank you for these classes
Love the Konnection Mat!! Same question as Jocelyne. I would like more information about purchasing the new band. Thank you!!!
Gabriella D
Please, let me know where in Europe I can purchase the konnection bands. Thanks !!!
Please let me know where I can purchase the connector bands , I’m in USA thsnks
Nita-Rose A
I am also wanting to purchase the band please.  I am in the USA
Would like to purchase fabric covered bands. Don’t see on your web site. Are they available?
Sarah A
Looking forward to purchasing one and having a set to teach with at College of San Mateo with my students!!!

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