Whole Body Tower Workout<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5633

Whole Body Tower Workout
Laura Hanlon
Class 5633

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1 person likes this.
Loved this class today it was just what I needed
Robin S
4 people like this.
First instant follow. This is what @pilatesanytimes needs more awesome tower classes. I was already loving your class when you mentioned your mom was your teacher. We are 3 generations in over here of women teaching pilates starting with my mom and her never ending love of MAT. Thank you for this great session looking forward to more classes with you.
Robin S Thank you for your kind words! I am incredibly lucky to share the Pilates Method with my talented mother Diane Diefenderfer. We love hearing from you and that you have three generations of Pilates teachers in the family! 
1 person likes this.
thank you for this tower feast.
1 person likes this.
U are the best
Loved the tower class!  Thank you!
Tomohiro T
Thank you for the amazing class!
That was great. Your cueing is so clear. Thank you
Renee S
Much gratitude for your skilled guidance, Laura. I enjoyed an amazing open feeling in my hips and shoulders, perfect before a nice mountain hike!
Congratulations Lauren🎉 class well done! I love the shout out to your mom! I also love how well you executed each move and refined each move 😊
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