Full-Body Beginner Reformer<br>Misty Lynne Cauthen<br>Class 5702

Full-Body Beginner Reformer
Misty Lynne Cauthen
Class 5702

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2 people like this.
That  was a great class! I loved  the Split Lunge with the foot on the platform vs the bar. Game changier for me。 Thank you so much! You look great ! 
perfect dose of fundamental goodness! thank you!
1 person likes this.
This was so lovely! I chose this class before my day of teaching! It was everything I needed. Added to favorites so I can repeat often. Thank you! 
Connie M Thanks, Connie! I love starting from a centered, potentially more suitable place for where the body is at THAT time... the footbar will always be there when we're ready, but this variation allows us to focus on our best alignment - not just doing splits. So glad you enjoyed it!
Megan W thank YOU for watching and taking the time to comment - I appreciate it!
Lacey Yahoo! So glad it hit the spot. Thanks for watching (and favorite-ing)!
Brilliant class. One of my favourites. Such clear instructions and great emphasis on technique. Loved it!
Misty, you are an absolute joy!!!! This was a fantastic class. Thank you!!!
Thank you for your energy.  It’s exactly what I needed after recovering from Covid.  It was gentle, effective and invigorating.   💕
Tanya P
so good! thank you! great cueing!  I'll use some of them when I teach  :) Misty Lynne Cauthen 
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