Beg/Int Reformer Flow<br>Misty Lynne Cauthen<br>Class 5703

Beg/Int Reformer Flow
Misty Lynne Cauthen
Class 5703

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Thank you Misty Lynne -great class - you have such a calm and assured manner of teaching; really enjoyed it. Thanks again! 
Wow! That was an incredible class for my achy shoulder! The cues were perfect and I’m adding this to my favorites!!! Thank you!!!!
Melissa G
Love your class and descriptions!  The Flasher cracked me up and now that's all I can see while doing it.
Andrea B
Thank you for the great work out. Excellent cueing!
Sarah G
Thank you Misty Lynne, I really enjoy your classes. Added to my favourites. More please!!
Sarah G
Just watched it again, and i learnt so much from this that I will bring into my lessons. Thanks again
Kelly L
Excellent cueing.   Fractured my hand and sprained my wrist a year ago and this workout was better than the PT I had!  Thank you.
Great pace and cueing! Thank you! ♥️🙏🏼
Carla R
I just love this class, just took or the second time, so much to take out of it, thank you!!!!

I loved the focus on hands/wrists. Creative and fun. Great workout. I’ll revisit this one as I need this. Multiple wrist fracture a couple of years ago. Thank you! 
1-10 of 14

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