Full Body Fire<br>Andrea Speir<br>Class 5750

Full Body Fire
Andrea Speir
Class 5750

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Great start to the day and week. Inspired to try the rest of the series! Thank you
1 person likes this.
Made a few adjustments for my body, but totally enjoyed this challenging class. Thank you! I look forward to the other classes in this series. 
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1 person likes this.
Great class. The inner thigh section was "fire".  Thank you.
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So much to love in this class! I especially enjoyed the front lunge series at the beginning, and the inner thigh series near the end.
Shannon H
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WOW, just WOW 🤩. I needed a practice reset … this series did it for me! Amazing series, amazing instruction! Thank you 
Sharon M
2 people like this.
Would love more reforrmer classes by you...loved this challenge! Thank you!
1 person likes this.
Absolutely obsessed with your classes, series, and you. I’ve been waking up excited every morning to see what the next class will bring. Spicy burns in all the right ways. Thank you! I really hope more of your classes will be added.
Amanda  D
that inner thigh series is 🔥🔥🔥
New obsession!!!
1-10 of 24

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