Full Body Athletic Reformer<br>Ed Botha<br>Class 5823

Full Body Athletic Reformer
Ed Botha
Class 5823

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1 person likes this.
What a fabulous class! I particularly enjoyed the serratus anterior and rotator cuff exercises, and the single leg deadlifts. 
Lori M
Can you please explain the strings before each exercise?

Amazing class
Brunna C
Awesome class as usual, thanks Ed 😊
Amazing class. Lovely cues and clear instruction. 
Sara S
What a wonderful class and I LOVED the single leg deadlifts combined with the single arm row. What a creative exercise! Thank you!!! 😊 
What an absolutely fabulous class. I loved the single leg rolldowns and all of the shoulder work.  Some great new exercises I have not yet seen.  
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Fantastic class, Ed. The hip abductor/adductor exercise with the box is my absolute new favorite exercise. I will add this to my routine as I feel it will be very helpful to strengthen my weak side. Amazing the difference between the two sides. Thank you. 
Absolutely fantastic class! Love the variation on the RDL.
Kari H
2 people like this.
this is the best class I've taken on here for the glutes and upper back! 
1-10 of 16

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