Thank you Kristi, I know it's a specialized area which may not be a popular topic. Any feedback will be helpful. Thanks for getting back to me. Much appreciated!
I saw something on this a while back Lisa, not sure how helpful it is..but i pay attention since I have the same issue. Using the platform board just do reg footwork, the thing i saw specifically for SI was to do the single leg , side lying using the platform board, knees bent and the hips and shoulders stacked, with springs set accordingly. then do immediate stretch in supine one leg crossed over the other and draw knees in towards face. I do this one alot . I hope this helps!!
Hi Jamie, I appreciate you sharing with me some of the things that I can incorporate into a program with SI joints issues. Good to know that I'm on the right track with someone who shares the same issue. Thank you again, all the best!
Lisa on Balanced Body website, they have a podcast for pilates with rehab, I found some interesting techniques by Christina Romana Ruby highlighting clients with SI injuries. Hope this helps! I found out my issue that I thought all this time was SI turned out to be L5 I am addressing that now. Jamie
Here is my long-winded reply that doesn’t say anything about the jump board. Heheh. Sorry! Hope it helps anyway.
SI joint is confusing - so many things attach to the pelvis! Often people get SI joint pain w/low back injuries & just as Jamie expressed, sometimes people get SI joint pain w/low back injury but don't feel the low back injury.
A web of ligaments holds the sacrum to the illium. As far as I know, ligaments don't shorten; once over-stretched they stay that way. That tells me that to help a destabilized SI work w/the muscles to get good position & stability.
To me, the main thing to think is “stability”. That’s what will help the most. Even if you blindly give a session insisting they use their abs to hold neutral while doing foot work & hip work, etc. you’re helping.
Kendal, thank you so much for your reply. Based on my research I have to agree with you and Jamie. Stability is key. I hope you are well and had a very Happy New Year!