iPad app problem!

I continue to have NO SOUND on my videos on the new iPad app!! My software is up to date, my app is up to date, my sound is turned up. I am having no issue with sound on other apps, only the Pilates Anytime! Hannah has tried to help over e-mail and nothing has worked! Is anyone else having this problem?

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Melissa ~ Usually when the sound is working other places but not on the app, it is because the mute switch has been turned on. Here is a picture of where it is located on the iPad. This has fixed the problem for our members who have been having trouble with sound on the app.
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I feel so silly because this is the same response Hannah had given me before and I had my "mute" switch set to rotation lock instead of mute. Once I switched it back in my general settings to mute, it worked. Phew. I'm sorry for all the confusion, thank you all for your help.
Beth R
I have no sound on my iPad Pro while using the Pilates Anytime Ap. The iPad Pro does not have a mute switch.
Ted Johnson
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Here's some info on mute setting for iPad pro. Hopefully this will be helpful:
Beth R
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Thank you Ted. That fix worked perfectly on my iPad Pro.

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