video not playing on Samsung tablet

The site displays fine however after pressing play on the video the screen is black and nothing happens. If I press the back button and try again the site freezes and I have to close the tab in order for it to work. I have tried this with both Chrome and Opera browsers to the same result both for the mobile site and the full site. I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro the site has worked previously on my Samsung phone and currently on my LG. Also I have asked about an android app before but never heard anything will there ever be one?
Amy ~ I am sorry you are having trouble playing the videos. Generally, when a video player screen is black, that indicates that you do not have the required version of Flash player to stream videos. I am not sure that Samsung tablets support the Flash player anymore, but I found something discussing how to enable Flash player here. It seems as though you might have to download an alternate browser (not Safari) that supports Flash. We are still working on the Andriod app and hope to add it to our service in the future.
Thanks for the reply, the reason I find this so confusing is that none of the browsers on my phone support flash but I'm perfectly able to watch the videos on them.
Amy ~ That raises an interesting point, and the problem may be that our video player that streams on the "auto" setting, which is the setting that you are using, is not detecting your device as a "mobile" device. Please try playing the video on the "low" or "medium" setting which may solve the problem. I was also look into the issue further.
I changed the video settings but they still don't show up as am option. I can watch them with no rewind or fast forward capabilities using the FlashFox browser. Thank you for looking into it I really appreciate it. I love PA and would love the ability to watch on a larger screen.
I wrote a couple of days ago to report that NO videos were available on my Samsung tablet. I receive the message "media error" even after turning offf tablet and beginning again and in spite of trying both video downloading formats available on the site. Help please. I am traveling and using my phone is not a welcome daily option for pilates class.
Joni ~ I'm sorry you were having trouble with the videos. We have recently updated the video player but it has been causing problems. We have added the old video player back till we can figure out what is causing the problems. Our videos should work for you again.

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