None of the videos are playing today, HELP!!

Well I cant get anything to play today., Is there an issue on the site or is it just me?? I got other videos to play online but none of the classes will open for me no matter the level I have it on.. Low or HD. I have tried them all..can you guys check it?? Thanks, Jamie
Ted Johnson
Hi Jamie,

Videos are playing fine for me, and our stats show over 650 people have viewed classes so far today... we also have not had any other complaints.

Have you maybe changed anything in your set up? Have you tried restarting your computer?

Want to give some more details of what's happening exactly?
Hi Ted, thanks for the quick response.. It must have been a glich in my setting or something weird. I had not changed a thing on my computer. All is well now so go figure. Hopefully it wont happen again.
Ted Johnson
Sometimes computers just go a little haywire and you have to restart your browser, or to be safe, your entire computer. I end up restarting my web browser at least every day (Firefox) as it tends to slow down the longer you leave it open. Very annoying glitch.

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