Search function for community forums and comments

Dave C
Is there any search function for the community forums and/or comments? Considering the smallest English forum has 650+ posts and each page displays only 20 posts at a time, I don't see a realistic way of finding out whether someone else has already brought up on the topic I wish to ask about before I post (which happens to be whether there is any content on training for the obese). Thanks!
(Edited by Moderator - Brittany Potter on September 16, 2022)
Hi David C  Thanks for reaching out! I see that Kristi replied regarding the search function for our Engineering team to address. You can always tag other members (to turn their attention to a post) in these threads.  There are Admins such as Kristi, myself, and others who can see your posts and reply as I am now. If you comment on a particular class, the instructor will be able to see that and respond as well. On the topic of Admins, I have looped in our Head of Pilates (Gia Calhoun), who will be happy to make some content/resource recommendations when she is back in office next week. Please also feel free to email us:

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