Refering Friends

1 person likes this.
I cant find any option to refer friends via the website. this would be a cool feature that could enable you to grow, and also reward those members who refer friends.
Ted Johnson
Hi Elaine,

Thanks a lot for the suggestion. How would you picture this working? What kind of reward did you have in mind?
1 person likes this.
thanks for following up.

i get emails all the time from companies stating that if i refer a friend, and that friend signs up/makes a purchase, then some kind of reward is given to the referrer. you could do a free month or half off a month, or some kind of similar credit for each friend that is referred and signs up. make sense?
Climb A Tree Pilates
Hi same here! I refer Pilates Anytime to a lot of people. It could be opening access to certain video? 

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