search function for forum contents

Dave C
Seems like all the discussion here is around the app and video playback, but as a new joiner I feel like the biggest technical deficiency on the site is in the forum, not video content. Specifically, the lack of search function on the forum means I can't find out if a topic I want to ask about has already been discussed elsewhere. I see hundreds of single-comment threads which suggests I'm not the only person having this problem.
David C This is really great feedback. You're right. At the moment we don't have a forum specific search, but it is such a good point that we should! I am adding it to the list. Thank you! I don't know of any specific discussions in our forums on this topic, but I will look for them. If I find them, I will let you know here. Thanks again! 
Dave C
Thanks Kristi Cooper 

Side note, the search bar suggestion arose because I had a question about working with the obese that I wasn't sure where to post. I went and posted to General Forum, but since most threads have no replies, I might as well you if you know how I can maximize the likelihood that question will get a reply?

(Edited by Moderator - Brittany Potter on September 16, 2022)
Hi David C This is such an important question. Thanks for reaching out and asking. I see that Kristi replied regarding the search function for our Engineering team to address. You can always tag other members (to turn their attention to a post) in these threads.  There are Admins such as Kristi, myself, and others who can see your posts and reply as I am now. If you comment on a particular class, the instructor will be able to see that and respond as well. On the topic of Admins, I have looped in our Head of Pilates (Gia Calhoun), who will be happy to make some content/resource recommendations when she is back in office next week. Please also feel free to email us:

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