Pilates Training

I was curious if you have any STOTT trained instructors or plans to add any? Thanks so much - love the site.
Hi Maria! As of now we do not have any STOTT instructors, but I have planned/hoped to have STOTT representation all along . I have have invited Moira Merrithew to participate as a distinguished instructor but unfortunately she cannot at this time. We have also sent invitations to a couple other well known Stott teachers but have not received a response yet. Feel free to let me know who you think I should invite.
Thanks for the input here in the forum!
what about a Power Pilates instructor? Would be interesting to have another approach similar to Adrienne and Monica's Romana based training
Good news Mary! We are working with Niedra Gabriel.
Niedra was a teacher trainer for Power Pilates and also trained with Romana. She will be up on the site within a week or two She is fantastic!!

About Niedra Gabriel
Oh cool, that sounds terrific Kristi! Thanks for letting me know, I am looking forward to seeing her on the site.
What about a BBU instructor?
Well, we are proud to have Julian Littleford and Melissa Connolly (both BBU instructors) on the site already, and we are talking with Tom McCook about filming late Spring early summer. Dawn Marie Ickes has been invited (though busy with her new baby) and several more fantastic BBU instructors are on our list to be invited. Who would you like to see?

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