crown disease

Hi everybody, I have a client with crown disease and I would like to know wether you have any experience about, or how can I help her better. Thanks to everybody
Do you mean Crohn's disease?
oh yes that is, crohn, sorry about my english!
We have a client with Crohn's. Can't say there is anything Pilates specific that helps - it is an autoimmune condition, can be maddeningly unpredictable, and at times terribly painful. Our client deals with depression as a result of the pain and loss of control, so we do check in with moral support when we notice notice she hasn't been in the studio in a while - Ecards are a nice, unobtrusive way of letting her know we're thinking about her. Since it involves significant abdominal pain we lay off the ab work when she gets back to the studio, and focus on footwork and arm work so she can start to feel some control over her body again.
As some of my clients also immune problems, it's kind of hard for them to keep Pilates workout as their routines. I found some of them tried alternative treatments, and doing very well. Here's what I found some comments about alternative treatment for Crohn's (for information only) -
Acupuncture has long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat inflammatory bowel disease. One study in Germany found that acupuncture and moxibustion were effective specifically for treating Crohn's disease. Acupuncturists treat people with inflammatory bowel disease based on an individualized assessment of the excesses and deficiencies of qi located in various meridians. Moxibustion (a technique in which the herb mugwort is burned over specific acupuncture points) is used because it is thought to reach deeper into the body than using needles alone.

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