Quick and Powerful Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 809

Quick and Powerful Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 809

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5 years later.. I only discovered it now and it's still very nice! Thanks for the inspiration. Like the plank into arabesque.
Thank you, Julie. I love it when find the older gems.
this one is going straight to the favorites. what a class. my heart rate was elevated the whole time, I'm a sweaty mess. my cre is nailed and sore are my shoulders. Wow Wow Wow one word INTENSE and shout out to CANDY man she is awesome and kicks ass in the classes I watch I'm always so impressed. as always brilliant cues and my favorite instructor.
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Thanks for this good oldie! I did it looking at the sea in Dorset- a bit like your view! Miss you loads. Xo.
Thank you for going back to the older classes Emelye Jane and for always saying such nice stuff to me.
Hi Jenny!!! Say hi to the kids. xx
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Short, precise and sweeeet! Can make this an hour class easily for my mat pilates class.
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I love this class and can do it over and over again...
Wow, that was lovely. My back really enjoyed that. Thank you.
Thank you for always making time to share your feedback Lisette-Anne. I appreciate that so much.
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