Interval Jumping Reformer<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 1079

Interval Jumping Reformer
Meredith Rogers
Class 1079

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Great to hear Erin Elizabeth!!
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Great workout, thank you Meredith.  A gentle warning to others who may have a tall  jumpboard (such as for the BB Allegro):  you might want to do the initial no-springs box exercises on the floor instead of on the reformer, or risk hitting your head.   (The remaining box exercises are fine.)
Thanks Patricia!!
Linnéa S
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What an amazing class Meredith! Thank you so much, just love your classes. Makes me feel strong, challenged and inspired. Those no springs pikes, Whew 😅👌🏻
Linnéa thank you so much!  I've forgotten about those no springs pikes!! I should start doing them again.
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New fave for busy days !
Emma W Hooray!!  It's tough but it's over quickly!!
Karen S
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Thank you for this quick workout practice, I was able to steal away for a few minutes and get a great workout.  Perfecto!
Karen S self care is SO important...thanks for sharing yours with me.

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Wow awesome! Super balanced glad its not “only jump” its very rare to find nicely balanced combo jump class like this. Can you pls give us more like this? (30 mins range) thank you so much Meredith!!
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