Quick Total Body Mat<br>Jennifer Golden<br>Class 1405

Quick Total Body Mat
Jennifer Golden
Class 1405

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Wow, This my third class with you this week! Your classes are terrific.Your cues are clear, your pace and transitions excellent.
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Thanks, Csilla!
Oops! Csilla, that Thank You was from me :) My instructors watch PA during our off hours at work and it was still logged in as Erin!
Taghrid K
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Wow that was wonderful, for sure I sometimes miss my workout as short of time!! Love your pace, cues and just the whole flow!! Loved the easier rolling teaser and can use it for some of my clients who hate teaser, the roll up variation with rotation, the focus on opposition of the muscles pulling in different directions.
A million thanks
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Wow! Great ,concise whole body workout. Fabulous cues- your precise and subtle knowledge of anatomy and your own embodied ness comes through. Jennifer do you travel and teach? I live in California and travel a fair bit but not to Chicago.
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That was a beautiful workout. More of those would be nice. Thank you
Tova, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I actually filmed another quick workout on my last visit and assume we will be seeing soon!
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Hi fives and fist bumps! You are a star (and a rainbow).
Thanks, Lolli! I LOVE that compliment!!!
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I always skip an entire day of workout if I can't do a complete 45 or hour... so mentally frustrating. And, it leaves my body begging for exercise. Thank you so much for this complete body workout in 10-15min. I'm a mama of 2 littles and this is going to literally save me, physically, emotionally and mentally!!! LOL
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