Mindful Reformer Connection<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 2019

Mindful Reformer Connection
Tom McCook
Class 2019

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This is one of my very favorites! Thank you Tom!
I've taken this class many times but every time I happen upon it again in my favorites, it never disappoints. Tom McCook Tom, love your classes. Such a great treat for teachers to think about things and execute them in different ways.
1 person likes this.
Came back to this again, so rewarding, thank you, my body feels whole!
wow I love this class with Tom!!!! just perfection!!
here again!!! I love this class!
Thank you Michelle, happy to hear these classes are serving you with you Pilates practice! Be well and thank you PilatesAnytime!
This class has kept its luster over the years. Proof of effectiveness.  thank you Tom McCook! 
Thank you Denee! It's very satisfying to hear the class is serving you well. All the best and thank you Pilates Anytime!
I really love this class! I find myself choosing it now and again! I always learn something when I do! 
Great to hear from you Denee! Happy to be of service! Sending you good vibes.
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