Creative Mat Flow<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3089

Creative Mat Flow
Meredith Rogers
Class 3089

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1 person likes this.
I' m looking forward to the workout!!! You are simply awesome!!! Trank you meredith!!!!
1 person likes this.
Great class just what I needed, thanks for this Meredith 😊😊
3 people like this.
I love it! X
2 people like this.
You are a dor a ble!
2 people like this.
Thank you for an awesome class!!!
1 person likes this.
good workout!

1 person likes this.
Excellent, love the ball work and the stretching was a bonus!!
1 person likes this.
Good Workout and excellent stretching using the ball. This wat I neef.
1 person likes this.
Thank you, I love the stretch over the ball in the beginning! Feel the work! Great!
2 people like this.
I always love your workouts - this one was no exception!
1-10 of 81

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