Day 4: Concentration<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3270

Day 4: Concentration
Meredith Rogers
Class 3270

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Doing the full challenge with all my clients and loving your visual cues. Beautiful variation & modifications on the Mat Repertoire. You are truly inspiring!
Thank you Wellness through movement! I love that you're getting your clients in on the love as well. Thank you for sharing the challenge and for sharing your feedback.
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This is getting tough but I'm done for day 4! Thanks!
You can do it Bibi!
Annabella G
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Loving this series. I really enjoyed the movement today, though the swimming beat me! Determined to get through the next one. The way the challenge is building is great.
Keep going Annabella!
Thank you for being here.
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thank you for being with us too...I had a great session...
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This is just what i needed after being ill, just done day 4 and i feel i am returning to myself! Thank you Meredith, your entusiasm and positivity is infectious!!
That's sweet Anita thank YOU!
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Challenging , Love it!
31-40 of 77

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