No-Frills Reformer<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 4258

No-Frills Reformer
Kristi Cooper
Class 4258

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1 person likes this.
Kristi thank you so much for such an honest and sincere class.  The way you taught feels very similar to the way I'm teaching at the moment.  There is fumbling, uncertainty and imperfection alongside intention, curiosity and a willingness to embrace the unknown.  It looks and feels different, but also more familiar than ever before, maybe that's what a homecoming should feel like.  Thank you and take care.
This is a perfect way to end my work week and shift gears for the weekend.  Thank you for this wonderful class!!!
Blair C
All smiles! 
Simple, gentle and effective. Great post holiday workout. Thank you! 
Katie M
Awesome class! Thanks so much!
Kelly L
Thank you!   Missed the reformer classes on pilates anytime!
This class was fine but for a level two I didn't expect so much commentary.  Many of these were basic level 1 moves.  I wish we could have done more in the time allotted.
Michele M
I enjoyed the simple flow and just what I needed today! Thank you Kristi and welcome back to PA! 
First full class I did on my new Allegro 2 :D Thanks so much
Thankyou! Lovely class - just what I needed today! 
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