Day 1: The Essential Flow<br>Laura Hanlon<br>Class 5088

Day 1: The Essential Flow
Laura Hanlon
Class 5088

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Dita H
Oh, oh, Laura, I thought I'm fit enough... What a pain and a joy one can allways reach for more. 
Gianna  A
Loved watching this class, the stretches before leg circles was such a great touch especially when you are feeling stiff. 
Katie W
I loved this class and found the balance between exercises and stretches to be perfect for a morning workout. I especially loved the opening of the chest added in after spine stretch. Feeling that opposition after being in forward flexion felt great on my spine!
Jessica H
Loved this class. Perfect cues. Thank you!
Coral S
Such a lovely class to start the morning. I especially enjoyed the chest opening stretch after spine stretch, it felt really nice to open up the opposite direction after spine stretch. I also enjoyed the pacing and cues, it was so clear I rarely had to look up at the screen.
Emma M
I really enjoyed this class. Everything was so clear and easy to follow. I loved all the cues used to keep the whole body engaged. I especially enjoyed the variation of swan and the transition into single leg kick.
Moorea P
I loved this class, the transitions were phenomenal and intentional. Laura's cues are detailed and help so much. I really liked the side kicks with the added circles. I really had to make sure my core was engaged.
Anna H
Did this class first thing in the morning and it felt great! I loved the light stretches and the exercises leave the body feeling long and strong. Excited to continue onto day 2!
1 person likes this.
As always, Studio Du Corp putting out the best classical content. I started my pilates career in 2000 with Diane at the studio and feel so lucky to have new videos from SDC. Thank You, Laura. 
Isabella G
Great class that worked my whole body. I loved the transition from leg circles into the straight leg single leg stretch! I also liked the prep into swan to help warm up the back, it was easier to find the correct placement of the chest and shoulders with the elbows wide. 
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