Full-Body Strength<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 533

Full-Body Strength
Amy Havens
Class 533

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did you design that one for me? The short box was way too hard for me right now, but the rest was great.
Hi Amelia!!! So you liked this one eh?! Thank you!!! I had a feeling you'd like it. :)
yeah! I just found your wedding workout for me. Do a class of that! :)
Hi Amelia! What a great idea.....I'll get that out and put that up on the site! Do you still have a copy of it? Can you email it to me...just in case mine is different. Thanks!!
Paola Maruca
Ciao Amy,
I could not get my eyes off my computer....I loveeeeeee this class and it was great to try it on my reformer....felt great after that. Do you have a private email contact? I would like to ask you a few things.
thanks again
paola (Italy)
Hi Paola! Thank you so much! Yes, you can contact me directly. If you contact Kristi at Pilates Anytime, she can get you in touch with me. I'll check back with you in a few days to make sure you've gotten my contact info. Thank you!!
Love it.. Your a great teacher.. Thank you..
Thank you very much Tina!
Amy, thank you for a truly inspiring class. I absolutely loved it! Going into my favorites!
Annie......thank you for those kind words. Dearly appreciated!! What did you like the best, just curious.
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