Reformer Foundations Flow<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 5492

Reformer Foundations Flow
Courtney Miller
Class 5492

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Absolutely Loved it! Such a big fan of your work Courtney, was great to go back to basics, I love how you broke each section down!
Katie P
Awesome class! Great for instructors to bring it back to the foundation of each movement. Feels good and challenging!
Lovely class and great teaching. Thank you xxx
Always love your classes. Thank you 
Essie P
wow!! Great workout!! Build strength, but also helps to understand each exercise!
Loved it! So many things I can use with my classes great cues great moves. Thank you.
Great workout!
Catherine C
I love Courtney's classes. I wish she would do more. I'm still more an intermediate level and can't do more o the advanced movements yet. I find her flows challenging and instructions wonderful.  
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