Restorative 20-Minute Flow<br>Leah Stewart<br>Class 5529

Restorative 20-Minute Flow
Leah Stewart
Class 5529

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Have added this to the top of my queue Leah ❤️
Meira H
LOved this class today Just what my tired body needed! Thank you Leah! 
So great to see you here again Leah!!! Loved this class 💕💕
What a beautiful class. You have a gift and are so generous. Thank you so much Leah. I am a teacher in England and so inspired but also feel great after this class. Boo
Lina S
I'm recovering from an injury. This practice helps to reconnect with the body. It feels good mentally to move. Thank you!
Ellie T
So happy to see you back on Pilatesanytime!
This was really neat. Movements I have never thought of doing, thank you!
Cheryl L
Thank you, what a lovely class and just what I needed!
Myriam Kane
So lovely to move with you this morning, Leah…felt wonderful. Thank you!
Leah I am so excited you are back! This is top of my queue….
1-10 of 20

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