Balance Building Foam Roller<br>Kristi Cooper<br>Class 5480

Balance Building Foam Roller
Kristi Cooper
Class 5480

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Julie Lloyd
1 person likes this.
This class was so enjoyable! Feeling very spacious afterwards. Thank you Kristi!
Julie Lloyd Thank you for joining me in class! I appreciate the feedback very much! 
Lisa Hubbard You know that means a lot to hear your feedback! Thank you! 

Sue S Wonderful! Please do look out for upcoming classes and the many that came before this one! I really appreciate having you with me in class (and the feedback!).

Really liked the standing and ab work in this class. Thank you! 
Thank you for this great class
Loved this foam roller flow Kristi.  Thanks.
Thanks for the lovely, stretchy class!
11-18 of 18

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