Full-Body Strength Mat<br>Leah Stewart<br>Class 5527

Full-Body Strength Mat
Leah Stewart
Class 5527

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Waller M
Wonderful class! Showed my imbalances in abs, and great for shoulder strength and back! Thanks, I really enjoy your teaching. 😊
Great class-simple, creative and a perfect amount of challenge🙏
Thanks! Great pace! Feel fab!
Anna B
This was lovely, Leah, thank you! I almost neglected my practice today but I'm glad I found this class because it was so worth it! I'm going to check out the other classes in your series now. Thank you again.
Fun class and great oblique work! Thanks Leah!
Great workout! Loved it ! 
Clara Z
Great class!  Can really feel the space between my shoulderblades today; sooooo unusual to really get in there on the mat!  Will definitely put this on into faves.  
This was a beautiful class Leah. Thank you.
Good morning Leah! Only had a shirt window to move this morning and this was a great challenge, efficient and feel great afterwards! Thank you 
1-10 of 11

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