Quick Sculpting Mat<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5568

Quick Sculpting Mat
Tracey Mallett
Class 5568

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Wow! What a jumpstart  to the day!
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Quick and dirty and fun. I had to modify on the low knee bends but otherwise all good. Love your other weight classes which are all in favorites like this one. That hot pink outfit looked great on you but also helped me focus! So bright and cheery. 
I loved the Barbie pink too! Thank you! I feel so great. How do you come up with your choreography? There is always something fun and new. Please keep them coming! 😍
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I love working out with you Tracey! This workout is excellent and the right length of time for me. I love the exercise with the arm scissors. 
Patricia Quayle Wickman Awe thank you! A gift I have is creativity and the ability to flow. Probably as I was a performer I am fortunate its comes natural to me. Some of the best classes I have taught are 90 percent improvised with a roadmap in my head that I set before going into a class. Try one of my program called Kick It UP,  fun fusion style workouts to mix things up!
WOW!!! Your classes are always so INCREDIBLY amazing!!!! I'm still out of breath - LOL 
Loved this…. Perfect workout for when you can’t make reformer class with all of the upper body focus. And your cue about everyone being different and mind your body was perfectly timed because my shoulders do not like my arms with weights going fully behind my head while supine and I just had to listen to my body and adjust so thank you. I really love these short intensive classes because you’re a point they could be fit in around a busy schedule so thank you
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