Total Body Jump Board<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5649

Total Body Jump Board
Amy Havens
Class 5649

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I just loved it ! thank you
Debora A Heidi Coles Jen U Karen M Lori Anne Thompson Angeline R Thank you all so much for taking this Jump Board class with me!  I love hearing all the feedback, thank you so much!

Rachel P Robin S Elizabeth D Shona Croft Maryna Z I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment for me here in the forum!  Thank you for taking classes with me, have a great weekend!!
1 person likes this.
I’ve been adding jumping to my repertoire a few times a week because it’s so so good for the bones! Thank you, Amy for a wonderful class.
Michele M
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Super fun class with intuitive movement and pace!  Thank you for sharing Amy!:D 
1 person likes this.
Love the gentle but strong energy and precision of this class - thank you Amy!
Andrea B
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You are my favorite instructor!  Keep 'em coming.
1 person likes this.
Loooove this class!!! So well guided and build!!! Lot's of fun and joy!😊 Thank you Amy!
Gisela G
1 person likes this.
I loved it - just the right amount of intensity! Thank you
Nice jumping class;   will incorporate it into my classes; especially loved the "clock' jumping  sequences;  will incorporate it into my classes.
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