Great pace and delivery, upbeat and very challenging. Revealing what I definitely need to work on...upper body strength( among other things)! Thank you for sharing this.
Amy, I adored this class. For the first time, I understood some of the exercises - short and long spine, chest expansion, knee stretches, side series with arms in straps....I have done many versions of these but I never fully grasped how they were 'really' supposed to work. I understand there are different strokes for different folks but it seemed to me that when the choreography is truthful to how the body works with the equipment, the need for intense cueing is actually reduced, because the choreography in and of itself cues the body and you were there to support that . Now I understand why Romana was Romana!! You obviously understood her work deeply because you give it over in such a natural, integrated way. I gained hugely from this class and will return to it again and again. Thank you~
I did this class again, Amy and it was even more awesome knowing it a bit better. Just amazes me again how the choreography itself tells the body what to do. And when it doesn' Long're there to make sure it's a 'foot' pull not a behind-the-knees pull. Just amazing outstanding class that I don't think I'll get tired of. Thank you!