Moving in All Directions<br>Cara Reeser<br>Class 1882

Moving in All Directions
Cara Reeser
Class 1882

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Thank you, Cara!! Your classes always leave me feeling strong and uplifted! Love the teaser variations. Need to practice the roll-squat-stand (like you say 100,000 times) staring now ;) Looking forward to the equipment classes!!
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Awesome Cara!!!! But I have to say I didn't have a block so I used an overball that made Leg Pull Front SUPER HARD!! :)
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Go Pam. It is super nice to hear from you. I will try it with the ball as well. I am on my way to Dubai to teach today. BYE.
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Lucky Dubai!!!! Can't wait to see you again miss and break a sweat :)
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Love Love Love it!
Miss you Cara.
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Love the back and lateral hip work! thanks Cara :)
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Hi Cara , its actually Mark Issott on Shaz's acct. Heck yeah ! Awesome class , so interesting to see how you are developing even more tweaks into your work . Super intelligent movement .
Got so much stuff to play with . Thanks as ever . Mucho hugs x
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Great Class , fun with minimal equipment.
Feeling so happy that you all like the work! Teaching in Dubai this week. Such a great community here too. Feeling blessed!!!!
Lots of inspiration for me in this class Cara! Thank you so much!
11-20 of 54

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