First Time Session<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 2306

First Time Session
Meredith Rogers
Class 2306

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Wow AJ. Thanks.
John B
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The breath intro was top notch. Thanks.
John B my pleasure!!
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It’s crazy how slow you have to go with beginners and I wonder if she feels the work - beginners are challenging - I want to get more done but I know it’s better to get less done and the thing you get done to do them well - but how do you get people to understand the value or going slow 
Elizabeth D beginners can certainly be challenging indeed.  Tucker is a teacher in training so she is willing and interested in going deep in the work.  I wouldn't necessarily go this slow with someone else who might be less invested in the details.  That said, I do try to explain to my beginners that the fundamental work is incredibly important as it lays foundation for all the work that comes after.  I can assure you that, in this instance, Tucker was feeling what I was asking her to try to find.  Not everyone has the patience for that.  Thank you for taking class with us and let me know if you have any more questions!!
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