Think Outside the Box<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 2346

Think Outside the Box
Amy Havens
Class 2346

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Kate V
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OMG that was waaay harder than it looked. But those undulations at the end were the icing on the cake!
Thank you so much Kate! Glad you enjoyed this class :)
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Great class thx :)
Thank you Heather
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I loved the use of the yellow spring for so many exercises! Also since I do not have the platform I used my jumpboard and it worked in my reformer, thank you so much for this wonderful class! :)
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Hi Jennifer sorry it took me so long to respond to your comment. Thank you for leaving feedback on this class and glad you were able to adapt the platform with jumpboard, others will probably find that useful as well!
Kate V
Thank you so much Amy! There just isn't much material out the for the standing platform. I realized it was collecting dust & pulled it out. You kicked my butt!! 
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Another wonderful Amy Havens class!  I haven’t done this one in a while and loved it.  Thanks, as always, for your wonderful teaching!  
Thank you Lori !
That was creative - wondering is it still following basi block system - I liked the plank to pikes and the single leg extension series - also the arm work series 👍love your work! 
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