Additional Mat Abdominals<br>Lisa Hubbard<br>Class 3087

Additional Mat Abdominals
Lisa Hubbard
Class 3087

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Wow, love the bicyle
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Loved this.
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XOXO! Love the workout!That was great and a nice outfit! Thank you Lisa.
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Abs on fire your work ...more please
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Wow you really packed a punch for our abdominals! Great class. Just one comment, because I have a bit of a curvature in my spine, I find it difficult to execute the precision and height on some of your exercises and cannot seem to bring my legs nearly as low as yours either. Any suggestions besides seriously modifying would be helpful, thanks...
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Great class for the abdominal muscles! Thank you very much, Lisa!
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Wonderful. Loved that it was 10 minutes!!
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great, great, great!!! love the teaser bicyling
Lisa Hubbard
Heidi thanks so much! Yes that bicycle teaser gets me every time!
Lisa Hubbard
Laura thanks for joining me for class! Glad you felt the burn!
11-20 of 146

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