Day 4: Concentration<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3270

Day 4: Concentration
Meredith Rogers
Class 3270

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Upping concentration challenge today : )
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Liked what the change in tempo in swimming did to increase the concentration.
We said in spanish, impresionante
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Love love love it!!!
Work on forearms maintaining pelvic stability really good.
You guys are AMAZING!
I love to hear your feedback so much and also how you modify to suit your specific needs. I am so grateful to be here with you all.
Shaughan D
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Really enjoying and learning from this challenge. Loved seeing the pod of dolphins today :)
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Thank you so much for this series. As an instructor I don't "consistently" set aside time for my personal practice. With this, I am taking at least 2 days a week and it feels so great. So again, thank you!
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What inspires my movement practice is the meditation aspect of it. When I was very young, I started running long distance and fell in love with it. I haven't ran seriously or competitively now for half my life (since I was 22) due to a back injury and depleted knees, and I greatly miss the feeling of just letting go, breathing deeply, and moving my body to the rhythm of my breath. Pilates lets me feel that way again!!

The bicycle crisscross kicked my a**, and I found this class to be quite challenging and restorative at the same time. I very much enjoyed some of the stretching, and found it to be very creative
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Awesome❤️ thank you! My body is waking up again
11-20 of 77

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