Mobilizing Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 3550

Mobilizing Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 3550

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Susan Chaityn Lebovits ~ Thank you for your forum post. Determining the level of a class can be challenging as it is quite subjective. After reviewing this class, we have decided to keep it at an intermediate level as many of these exercises would be challenging for someone new to Pilates. Our beginner classes are meant to build a strong foundation and this class flows through the movements more than a beginner class would.
Susan Chaityn Lebovits
Thank you for taking the time to respond! 
Thank you Susan Chaityn Lebovits for your feedback and Gia Calhoun for providing clarity.
Julie Lloyd
1 person likes this.
Absolutely awesome class!! Thank you x
I loved the pace of this. The sequence flowed together so nicely. Thank you, Meredith!
Patricia Quayle Wickman thank YOU for choosing it.
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