Wunda Chair Partnership<br>Jenna Zaffino<br>Class 3685

Wunda Chair Partnership
Jenna Zaffino
Class 3685

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Love the minimal spring changes. So many of your cues made a lot of the work (esp side lying and prone) more accessible for me. Also love the humor and flow! Thank you Jenna and PA!
1 person likes this.
Love this class, thanks Jenna!
Brynn P
This class made me love my chair again!
Jenna Zaffino
Brynn P Your comment just made me tear up. Thank you!!!!!
Beautiful class Jenna. You are such a brilliant teacher. Your cues are empowering and your teaching style is so inviting, allowing all to strive for their personal best.
Thanks a lot Jenna! Enjoyed the class and ended up shaking hahaha 
Tahmour B
thanks love your approach that is so easy and inclusive. Thanks Jenna.
Jenna Zaffino
Tahmour B thank you! That’s about the best compliment I could hope for! 
Elizabeth S
I'm new to the Wunda chair and appreciate the step by step approach to balancing on the top of the chair.  It's intimidating but empowering even just to get good alignment while balancing, let alone trying a teaser.   Also loved the swan.   Great video, it is still being used and loved after so many years. 
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