I used 10 lb vinyl coated hand weights to drape across my ankles for the roll-ups which worked for me. I normally wear 5 lb leg weights but the class was too advanced to make that doable for me. Sand bags or a mat with a strap would work too, except I do not own those props. I find it beneficial in side planks to thread-the-needle by reaching toward the feet. That move pops multiple lumbar vertebrae (which feels wonderful). Class is a well-considered mix of strength and lengthening moves. I got a good work-out, sweated a bit, and feel much better. Thanks Again Melissa:) PS~ like Lina i also got a kick out of the criss-cross variation.
Thank you Melissa. A very enjoyable and challenging class as always. Especially loved the creative way to use the ball on the criss cross and the rollover. Thanks