Jump Board Challenge<br>Delia Buckmaster<br>Class 4908

Jump Board Challenge
Delia Buckmaster
Class 4908

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Great variation of jump board .
WOW...of course, I can do this one....then I actually do it-lots of breaks!  Loved the series of 5, the catching the uprights, fun variation on 100.   Thankyou thank you...can't wait to share.
Thank you so much for teaching this! What fun! I taught cardio this morning and added in your prone series having them grab the tower uprights. I added kicks to the lat pull, followed be the “breaststroke “ and then called the one arm grabs with opposite arm movement head following hand, the “freestyle”! 😊
Thanks so much Delia!! Great class as always. Love the jumping progressions, especially the side lying series.
That was super fun, thank you Delia!!!
Lisa M
Loved this workout. Just what I needed on a Saturday morning.
Thank you soooo much for this! I feel like I’ve been in both a teaching and practice rut lately and have been lacking inspiration and imagination. This is just what my soul needed! :)
Love this so much, thank you for all your wonderful classes!
Darcie H
Great class! Can’t wait to teach and share.
Robin S
Absolutely the BEST JUMPBOARD workout on this platform. Thank you~ when I need cardio and stretch this will be my go to! Please make more
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