Functional Strength<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5391

Functional Strength
Tom McCook
Class 5391

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Susannah DĀ , Thank you!!šŸ˜ŠšŸ™
Julie Lloyd
An incredible class Tom, thank you! You make Pilates so beautiful, flowing and strong. Saving this to my favourites!
Me and my body are loving these classes, that balance of fluid ease and strength. My intention for my own practice is to feel relaxed power and that's exactly what I feel after doing your classes;Ā  Thank you Tom.Ā 
Julie LĀ &Ā Christine Morling, Thank you both so much for your thoughtful and insightful feedback. You both touched in on exactly what the intentions were for this class! Keep enjoying and all the best!!ā¤ļøšŸ™
Thanks very much Tom as always great

Can I ask in the loaded flexion you mention once grabbing hold of the backs of the legs to curl the tail. I just wondered why you curl the tail?
Many thanks again Rachel

Claudia K
Very good class. I feel centered and worked out through the entire body.Ā 
Rachel AĀ &Ā Claudia KĀ , Thank you for your feedback! Claudia, Iā€™m happy to hear you feel it was a balanced and centering experience! Rachel the cue to curl the tail was to activate the lower core. Enjoy and all the best!šŸ™
Laura Maria
Loving the mix of movement methods in this series!
Laura Maria, great to hear you like the progression & mix of methods! Enjoy!šŸ‘ŠšŸ™
Such a good warmup before dance rehearsal-and sneaky spicy!
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