Form & Efficiency Reformer<br>Jason Williams<br>Class 5441

Form & Efficiency Reformer
Jason Williams
Class 5441

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Jason Williams
Kimberly R Yes! You know it👍🏾👍🏾
Jane H
Loved everything about that class
Taryn Upchurch
Jason, I really appreciate the joy and creativity that you bring to your teaching. Thank you!
Jason Williams
Taryn Upchurch you’re welcome! Appreciate you
Carla R
1 person likes this.
What a fun class Jason, thank you!!
Jason Williams
Carla R thank you Carla🙏🏾😃
1 person likes this.
Thank you!  Great way to start my week.
1 person likes this.
Really fun, well designed class! Looking forward to doing it again 
Jason Williams
Vicki O thank you Vicki 🙏🏾
Jason Williams
Rachel P thank you Rachel🙏🏾😃
11-20 of 46

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