Strengthening Reformer<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 5500

Strengthening Reformer
Courtney Miller
Class 5500

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2 people like this.
Great class! Exactly the kind of class I’ve been wanting recently. A mix of squats and creative pilates strengthening. Thank you, Courtney! 
Shona Croft
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Great workout, great Pilates, went by in a flash and I’m Glowing. 😅
5 people like this.
This was a tough one! I was with you until the step up onto the reformer - needed to increase spring tension and to steady myself with the foot bar. Any modifications for this portion? I've been a Courtney fan for at least a decade (I've aged, Courtney has not!). I admire and appreciate the impeccable cueing. It's as if Courtney anticipates the questions which accompany each movement and provides exactly what is needed to understand and execute each exercise. Also appreciate the focus on excellent form and thoughtful breathing to support each movement. Thank you, Courtney.
Brandie D
Thank you again for the incredible flow. The pace, the sequence, the cueing and full body progression throughout.
Love love. I will be doing this weekly to get beach vacation ready! Courtney you get better with age - thanks for inspiring me to try my hardest to do the same!!!!
Melissa D
Always love a Courtney workout! Great class!
I loved this one! It is a bit slower than some of her others and it made me work so hard.
Natalie S
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This one made me WORK! I am enjoying this series so much and thank you for pushing us! Your cueing as always is so helpful in both my own practice and when I teach others- thank you Courtney!
Loved this creative, and incredibly well cued sequence -- so many awesome ideas to play with and consider.  This whole series has rocked and inspired me to jump on the Reformer to play. Courtney, thank you for bringing so much perspective and FUN into the progressive work. 
1 person likes this.
Great class, as always! Loved the single leg short spine flow  :) 
1-10 of 34

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