Straightforward Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 605

Straightforward Mat
Amy Havens
Class 605

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Thank you very much Terry!
Great class! I loved all the transitions. You are wonderful...and now I'm floating. Thank you!!
I WANT TO TAKE YOUR CLASS!!!!!!! person. :)
Hi Sarah, you are so kind, thank you for this wonderful feedback. "Floating", wow....that is such a compliment!
Meri........I would LOVE to have you take my class (in person), ANYTIME!!! We just happen to teach at the same time on the same night, boo hoo! I would LOVE to take your class in person too. Someday.........!
What a fantastic classic session! The transitions were great and so was the cueing... I loved doing it with you Amy!
Paola Maruca
1 person likes this.
i know You could not see me but i was off camera.....LOL... just is only that when I work out with Amy it feels like I am right there, in the same room....Amy rocks!!!!!!!!
Hi Aarthi, so nice to hear from you and thank you for you kind feedback!
Hi Paola, that --- to me --- is one of the best compliments, thank you! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your feedback?
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