Deepen your Practice<br>Amy Taylor Alpers<br>Class 759

Deepen your Practice
Amy Taylor Alpers
Class 759

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Shelley M
I find that most cueing on the internet is cut and paste. Even recordings of live workshops....cut and paste, generic instructions that are not in any way unique to the teacher.  I love how you go beyond that and really TEACH. Such a breath of fresh air!
Shelley M
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ok so I took the plunge and actually did this class. I look like I've just got out the sauna. I managed Snake! It's actuaIly a glorious feeling. I had my feet on the reformer, not the foot bar, but you have to start somewhere! Tendon stretch is still semi-paralyzed. I have very short tendons, which doesn't help. But I more or less managed this, so maybe there's hope for me in one of your live classes, after all!
Shelley M
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Amy, I managed everything this time, including tendon stretch! The brain has to get it first and then the body follows along. Each time I do a class of yours, I feel I'm integrating more and more of what I learn from you. A couple of my daughters asked me to give them a mini lesson on the reformer and I really heard your voice coming out of me as I cued them. It was really a great experience as I haven't taught reformer yet.
Shelley M
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I just did a Level 3 reformer with someone else, and I honestly feel a person can hurt themselves if they don't have the precision of your cueing. On the very challenging exercises I stopped, because I was missing so much by not having your teaching that I was literally afraid of a sports injury. I'm only doing your advanced classes from now on. Level 2 you can get away with less than exceptional teachers. Higher than that and it's an injury risk.
Shelley M
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Did this class again, Amy after a long time. So awesome. You and your ladies at the Pilates Center have ruined me for anyone else. I guess it's about coming home. It's a good feeling, a wonderful feeling.
Amy! This class will always be one of the best! Love it so much, thanks for sharing with us. With love ❤️ ~Everlea
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What an amazing class Amy! Cues are very precise, I could really feel the difference in my body. Thank you for all the work you do!
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Oh my goodness, what a great class with so many hands on cues along with verbal cues. I watched this as part of my observation hours so it was such a treasure to watch Amy teach.
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