Systematic Tower<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 868

Systematic Tower
Karen Sanzo
Class 868

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Karen Sanzo
Thanks to PA members for taking time to comment. We love the tower at our studio in Dallas, too. I had an out of town teacher, Brittany, contact me from Florida. It was my first shout out from someone who had met me on PA. So....thanks to PA, too!!! Again and again and again.
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Liked Karen's cues, and so easy to follow. Great class to take.
We love you Karen! You're welcome... anytime!
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Karen, my teacher and my mentor. I always learn something from listening to you. Now I can watch you anytime on PA. Love you! You are the bet.
Karen Sanzo
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Students and training have always been a big part of what I enjoy. It keeps me connected to literature and keeps me looking for new ways to explain things. Watching students move and grow physically and mentally into new dimensions is pure joy!!
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I loved this class! Great cueing! Thanks!
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Hi all - I was enjoying the class but about half way in the video started at the beginning again?
Crystal~ I would recommend trying to watch this class in Medium or Low video quality, as I got it to watch through all the way using those two versions and I did have a little trouble getting it to using Auto-Detect, my usual go to option. I will ask our technical support what the problem may be. Please email if you need further help.
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Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Karen I love your cueing.
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Karen, I too love your instruction. Your cues are spot on and you keep such a great flow with your classes. Thanks!
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