Pelvic Lumbar Dysfunction<br>Carolyne S.<br>Class 890

Pelvic Lumbar Dysfunction
Carolyne S.
Class 890

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Very good stretch in the hips-and it actually seemed to ease the pain in my knee/meniscal tear. Nice calm pace-very good.
Hi, I can't see anything :(
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great way to start up again after an injury lay off. It really quickly reminds you some of the fundamentals as well as a great workout.
Thank you for sharing your class with us! You have such a relaxing voice and graceful presence. I was wondering if you have any cues that might help someone with neck alignment for the "banana-like" side lying exercise. I find it's very challenging for many clients to keep their heads on straight and not strain their neck. That said, what a great creative exercise to throw into the side lying series! Love it :)
So simple and deep! I really love your approach and I hope to meet you again one day!
Absolutely loved this class. Please add some more. Thanks so much
I've been dealing with all kinds of back and hip issues after having my son, and this class felt amazing! I'm so happy I found it as I'm struggling to get back into a regular workout routine while working through lingering pain. THANK YOU!
Carolyne, I found you:) so nice to hear your voice! Did the whole class! Really helped to open up my hips! See you next year hopefully!
What a beautiful class! I feel great after doing it. 
11-20 of 21

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